Hijri Islamic Date

You can use the following information to set your clocks, phones & devices to the times used in the Cairns Mosque.

In accordance with the sunna of the Prophet Muhammadؐ as dictated by the Mujtahid Imams of this Umma we rely on the actual sitting of the Moon every month by a muslim who reports the sitting to the Official Moon-watcher of Australia: Maulana Dr. Shabbir Ahmed who then verifies this information and placed it on his website: www.moonsighting.info The Alfajr Mosque Clock is updated every month with the Hijri date which marks the start of each Islamic month. You may update this information on your own devices as the default Hijri Calender on all devices does not take into account the moonsighting in Australia but rather the default moonsighting in Makka, Saudi Arabia.a, Saudi Arabia.